Page dedicated to interests and rambles, right now only music section
(links to song on Youtube)
Updated 05/Feb/25
I started listening to Will Wood in about 2016, my introduction being the Self-ish album. Which caught my attention because it reminded me of Oingo Boingo. And it opened my world.
I couldn’t possibly pick a favorite song or album, it’s the experience and the flavor that makes it what it is to me. I love the high energy, the bitter ones, the comforting ones, and everything in between. This probably all sounds very cheesy but I suppose a decade of admiration will do that to you.
Some Picks (Some links may not work or some songs may be under different names)
I only found Sedaka last year, yet it’s one of those that speaks to my very soul. I was introduced to him via his song Calender Girl (if you’re american, you’ve probably heard it) and curiosity took me to his other works.
I have quite a few favorites but this has to be pretty far up there. It just feels so fucking amazing. And Paint Me Again is another that I really like, it's so catchy. I enjoy his range of music. There’s catchy ones, romantic and slow, just plain soft and beautiful ones.
I also enjoy Sedaka as an artist, he seems to have a deep love for music, he’s been doing it for like all his life, starting piano as a kid. I could only wish to have such a passion like that. His voice too just feels so unique and nice to me. It’s got this mix of sharpness and maturity yet finds a way to feel soft and warm.
Fun Fact: We have the same birthday day; March 13
I was introduced to Lord Huron by a close friend, I think in 2019? No idea what the first song was. My favorite album by far is Vide Noir, it’s very high energy and mythic, it gives me a buzz.
This group also makes really banger music videos, very story driven in general. They even produced a movie in 2022. It’s one of those you just gotta hear, there ain’t words for the way it feels.
Vide Noir Picks
I was introduced to Oingo Boingo way back, I can’t even remember. This group was fundamental to my music taste and eventually led me to Will Wood, who was even more fundamental.
There is so much Boingo music it’s very hard to come to a solid favorite, but I do enjoy the Dead Man’s Party album, it might’ve been the one that introduced me? I’m very fond of the Mythic Nights era.
Also weirdly another group who made a movie. Along with featured in quite a few, the most interesting to me being Hot Tomorrows, which might be lost media, however some clips. Which this clip in particular sticks in my head, it’s got this haunting timeless feel to it.
There’s a neat youtube channel that has a collection of Boingo Stuff Oingo Boingo Tapes
Some Picks